Monday, February 6, 2012

Facebook and Globalization

The article discusses facebooks decision to go public which only enhances its ability to further its globalization. Although many world wide are now able to benefit financially from facebooks increading popularity those who are actually able to invest is still a limiting factor. Ghemewats theory about actual globalization in this case I feel does not apply. Facebook as many know is now one of the most widely recognized and utilized websites. the famous Facebook "f" some would argue is almost as recognizable as Mcdonalds golden arches or Coca Colas signiature cursive logo.

The first article opens eyes to the readers that Facebook is now going public. They not only are a worldwide phenomena, but now investors are taking action. However, Facebook must be careful on what they are signing for. By other companies investing, more money will be put into toll. Even though more money is going to be used to make Facebook that much better, they have to keep in mind that they have to do their best to please everyone, which can become difficult. Prediction of how the site will do once the investors invest cannot be made at this time. The main focus of Facebook is advertising, because without that, the company wouldn't be anywhere like it is today.

The second article is focusing on the numbers that relates with Facebook's company. The statistics are very broad and well known. It also brings up the fact that this started in a dorm room from a college kid and it is now a multibillion dollar enterprise. If that's not inspiring in any way, then we don't know what is. Facebook went from 1 to 845 million in 7 years, unbelievable. It also shows an extreme example of globalization by how many users use it worldwide. We would think that the United States would be where most the users are, but we're only about 20%. Showing that it really is a worldwide company and with these investors putting more money into it, its going to be even better than what it already is.

Some may say that Ghemawat ideals are wrong here, because anyone with the right resources can now be able to buy shares in the company and have a certain amount of control. However, the sheer size of the company and all that it reflects show that it is a global matter most likely exceeding that of the 10% model. The Facebook model and brand are growing, and exceeding most levels of expectation on population and utilization. It is truly becoming another realm in which we exist, conduct ourselves, and conduct business. A new realm for a new world.


  1. The scary thing about this is that since more and more people are using Facebook, the more people can use that information for "bad" things.

  2. I agree Sage, but the plus side to Facebook and Globalization is the fast connection of people, information, and ideas from around the world. Since facebook has become public we now see the different ways to utilize this social media from planning group gathering of friends at a certain locations to planning group movements sparking protests for ending regimes and activism for human rights. For example, Egypt demonstrated how effective facebook was for protests, and the exchange of ideas. With the increasing popularity of facebook and further investments into this social media, it can only grow.
    Even with the growth of facebook, depending on how we use it as resource can affect how we get a job, interaction with people, and so.

  3. I find it interesting that if you apply for a job, the institution you want to work for will sometimes search out your facebook. It reveals a new aspect of society, where we have a medium to advertise ourselves, our likes, dislikes, internal monologues (THE WALL), your social group, etc. If globalization is seen as the larger interconnection of the market place, then it makes sense that our identities themselves have become market products, our lives as virtual as stock tickers. - Lee Thach

  4. I agree with the author that facebook has become somewhat of a new realm for people across the globe to interact. That interaction leaves a lot of valuable information that companies could be interested in. I cant help but to feel that this information will used in a way to benefit the company and undermine the user's experience.

  5. I think it is great that Facebook is increasing its international influence. This is a great utility for on-line businesses to expand their businesses internationally. Unfortunately, I feel that under developed countries will fall behind in globalization, since they do not all have easy internet access. Personally, I like seeing that the company I work for is not only expanding in our country, but also in other countries, such as Columbia. I found this out on Facebook from a worker who posted a picture of the article celebrating the company's growth. I like how you brought up the point about advertising. It does play a huge part on the social network site.
