Saturday, February 4, 2012

Winners and Losers Issue (Group 4)

A current issue that relates to this week’s readings on the idea of the “winners and losers of the new globalization” is unemployment in the United States. The phrase “last hired, first fired” comes to mind when thinking about this unemployment issue. Winners are those whom are benefitting from globalization. Currently, the winners are the people who are able to keep their job and placed in higher managing positions by having better education and seniority advantages. The majority of these winners are men.  Males are more commonly placed in higher positions than females. The issue of men being more dominant than females is still present world-wide. Unfortunately, there are still jobs where women are paid less than men. Another example that proves women are currently lower balanced than men is that in developing third world countries, women still have to prove their commitment to the job by showing that they are not pregnant through sanitary napkins. Another illustration of winners and losers are the people who run big corporations versus the developing countries. These developing countries compete amongst other developing countries by lowering their prices to gain corporate labor. However by lowering their prices, the developing countries are risking danger for its workers and the environment. By the end of it all, the big corporations are the ones who will benefit from outsourcing to other countries.

Here is a NY article by Sydney Morris that reflects upon the issue "last hired, first fired" towards teachers:


  1. This is an image that represents the phrase "last hired, first fired..

    also an article that teachers went through:

  2. I really like how you guys tied in the gender concept with the "winners and losers" concept. I agree with you 100% and it's sad to see that even after all that women have gone through and fought for they still aren't being treated equally in the business world.

  3. I like that you pointed out the way in which globalization is creating competition among lesser developed countries for corporate labor jobs. It seems that this point is often overlooked by people. In the effort to attract job for workers, their wages are being reduced. This then affects the standard of living for those workers. Good job.

  4. I have throughly enjoyed your groups take on things concerning the "Last hired, first fired." I completely agree on the gender differences in how the economy has folded out in that last couple of years. Women have most definetely seen the lower hand in things, where Men if at all are the only ones who have promoted or succeeded. But I do have to include that i believe that both men and woman were significately effected by "last hired, first fired." May cooperations have kept senority members that are essential to running their buisnesses but have cut loose ends with job titles that they could do without. It is even more evident in how outsourcing has effected this whole issue. Where labor cost are much cheaper in other countries millions of companies have outsourced jobs that people, lets say in India, will do for a much less labor cost. This has in result put millions out of work. A specfic example would be target, their customer service over the phone has all been outsourced to India or other countries like such.

    Group 7 - Amanda Spencer

  5. It is sad how globalization is not being used to help the majority of people, but instead the already rich and powerful minority. When I think about this topic too, I feel a little bad because I know that I will be in a position to benefit from globalization because I am able to get a college education and will have access to better, higher payed jobs then most of the world. I'm not sure what could be done, because I am sure many powerful men a greatly benefiting from the current system, but hopefully someone, maybe even someone in this class, will be able to bring this issue to the public light and help those who are suffering from globalization.

  6. The phrase "last hired, first fired", reminds me of people that I personally know that have been affected by this unemployment issue. These people are parents, college students, and teachers that have been fired because other employees in their workplace had higher education or seniority advantages. It's unfortunate that these hard working people lost their jobs simply because other people had more experience then they did. I agree that in most cases, men have had much more an advantage over women but I also believe that men are also affected by this unemployment issue. In this new competitive world, employment is solely considered upon who has the most experience and highest education. Big and small businesses do not care if people are losing their jobs as long as they are the “winners” in the end.
    Lidcey Munoz-Group 6

  7. I agree with all of your groups points made in the above blog post. The topic of men getting paid more for doing the same job as women do is a prominent issue in society. It's hard to say that men and women are now being treated equally in certain aspects of life, but, in the workplace, there is still a major difference. Even though there has been slight improvement with equality in the workplace, we still have a long way to go. Especially in third world countries, women are being treated with such low respect that it is extremely unsettling. They are not being treated like people, but like mindless machines that will do anything you tell them to for wages.

  8. I agree with the point made about how lowering the prices more and more is drastically going to affect the workers and the ammount of money they will be paid. It is definitely not fair. Also, by mentioning the fact that women are not being treated fair still to this day, it shows that there are definitely more losers than winners, and it is not right.
    -Michelle Monnig
